AtoZeasy Reading System - Stage 2
What is taught in Stage 2
The four ‘y’ sounds
Consonant digraphs e.g. ‘sh’ ‘ch’
Initial and final consonant blends
Double vowels e.g. ‘ai’ ‘ee’ & exceptions
Split vowels as in ‘cake’ ‘home’
Double consonant rule as in ‘hopped’ & ‘planned’
The L rule ‘le’, ‘el, ‘il’ ‘ol’
Prefixes e.g. ‘ex’ ‘dis’
Suffixes e.g.‘ing’ ‘ed’
’r’ controlled vowels
‘ow’, aw, ‘ew’
High-frequency words (75% English)
Animated Letter- Groups
The Alphabet Letter-Groups teach the letter combinations simply through the use of animated songs and stories.
Workbooks and Readers
1.Song for a King
2.Moon in a Spoon.
3.Bronto and Friends
4. At the Fair
5. Proud Cow